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Discovering the Good News of the Kingdom: Part 1


The Gospel of the Kingdom is one of the least understood and most foundational truths of the whole Bible. In fact, I would say that the Kingdom of God is key to understanding the whole Bible. 


The New Testament uses many adjustives to describe the Gospel. Some common ones are the ‘Gospel of grace’, ‘Gospel of peace’, ‘the message of Salvation' and many more. Paul even called it ‘his Gospel’. But by far the one used the most, and the Gospel that Jesus said would be preached in the whole world before His return was the Gospel of the Kingdom. (Matthew 24:14


There is only one Gospel and it is the Gospel of the Kingdom. You can compare it to a diamond where every facet is unique and cut differently yet is still a part of the diamond. The Gospel of Grace, Peace and Salvation, are dimensions that describe and reveal the nature of the Good News of the Kingdom of God.


The purpose of Jesus' coming was not only to die for our sins so we can be forgiven and go to heaven. Jesus came to reveal the Father, destroy the works of the devil and rescue the world through his once for all sacrifice! He came to set the world right and that starts with us submitting to the Lordship of Jesus and entering into that Kingdom by faith in His finished work of redemption. 


The message of the cross is the message by which we are saved and become citizens of the Kingdom. We are given the righteousness of Christ which qualifies us to participate in every benefit of God’s Kingdom realm. In the Kingdom we have peace, total forgiveness for sin, healing for sickness and disease, prosperity and provision and so much more. The new covenant is the constitution that shows us how the Kingdom operates, and grace and faith are the currency of the Kingdom.  Are you getting the picture?


As citizens of the Kingdom, we are called to export the realities of the Kingdom to the nations through proclamation of the Gospel, demonstration both of power and of compassion as well as discipling the nations.  We are also called to partner with God in prayer to see “His Kingdom come, and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Matt 6:10

-Nate Tanner



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